Thursday, June 30, 2011

Focus Your Energy On Positive Solutions

Conflicts and disagreements are part of our lives. We all will experience it at one time or another. When we have conflicts, the important thing to remember is NOT to cling onto the problem and get stuck.
We need to be able to find ways to resolve our problems effectively and move forward.That’s why it’s important we always focus our energy on positive solutions.
Here are some tips to help you focus your energy on positive things:
1.) Relax and be positive. Let go of the need to list all that had gone wrong in the past or it might go wrong.
2.) Plan ahead, lay out your action plan and focus on the steps that will move you closer to your goals. Focus your time and energy on things that will move you closer to your goals and stay away from those things that move you farther from your goals. Having a concrete plan will make you better prepared to anticipate the unexpected.
3.) Give proper weight to the ideas and advice of others. Recognize that others may see things differently than you do. Know your own capability well and respect other people’s opinions.
4.) When you meet successful people, don’t just hear what they say, watch what they DO! Use their experience as stepping-stones to your own success, but let go of the idea that you need to have what they have in order to move forward.
5.) Give a careful thought to your plan and goals in life. Believe in yourself, put time and energy on your plan and continue to forge on. Other people may not agree with you and some may even try to steal your dreams but you’re always well prepared and have positive energy to break through the challenges that crop up. Because you’re confident that you’re making wise choices.
Follow the power tips above and you’ll always be able to eliminate the effects of negativity and reach for the empowerment of positive focus instead.

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