Thursday, June 30, 2011

Optimism Versus Pessimism

You will always face choices in life and those choices can be negative or positive, depending on how you view life. You may opt to have a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeated life or you may decide to take the optimist’s route and live a challenging and fulfilling life.
So why would you nurture an optimist’s point of view?
Well, optimism has been linked to many good things, such as a positive mood, good morale; to success in many areas of life; to popularity; to good health and even to long life.
On the other hand, the rates of depression and pessimism have never been higher. It affects middle-aged adults as well as younger people. Incredibly the mean age of onset has halved from 30 to 15, therefore becoming a teen-ager’s disorder’ as well as a middle age one.
You can see why it really pays to be an optimist:
Optimists expect and receive the best from life
The unfortunate, defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events are their own fault, and this belief will last a long time, undermining everything they do. Whereas optimists are confronted with the same hard knocks in life but believe defeat is just a temporary setback, and that its causes are confined to this one case.
Optimists usually focus on the 'problem' at hand. They reinterpret a negative experience in a way that helps them learn and grow as a person. Such people are completely unfazed by a bad situation as they see it is a challenge and try harder.
The positive expectancies of optimists also predict better reactions during upheavals and major changes, sudden tragedies and unlikely turn of events. As a child learning to walk falls and immediately stands up again, so do they. They see only opportunities not obstacles.
People respond positively to optimists.
Optimists are proactive and much less dependent on others for their happiness or success. They find no need to control, co-erce or manipulate people. They usually find people are drawn towards them, as their optimistic view of the world can be contagious and influence those they are with.
Optimism is a socially desirable trait in all communities. Those who share their positive expectancies are generally accepted while those who spread despair, panic and hysteria are treated unfavorably.
In life, these people often win elections or prizes; get voted most congenial and sought for advice.
It has to be said that when the going gets tough, optimists get tougher.
Optimists typically remain much calmer during times of stress than do people who are less optimistic. In contrast, pessimists are likely to react to stressful events by denying that they exist or by delay dealing with problems.
They persevere. Giving up for them is not really an option. They are also known for their patience, taking their time to reach their goal or elusive dream.
Optimists are generally much healthier and live longer. Medical research has justified that simple pleasures and a positive outlook on life can cause a measurable increase in the body's ability to fight disease. Whereas if you give up mentally, then your body gives up physically.
So why not be an optimist today? And think positively towards a more fulfilled life. Look forward to success in all your endeavours and you will succeed. Be resilient and pick yourself up every time you fall. See life on the bright side and inspire those around you.


Many of us are confused by activity with accomplishment, we feel like going round and round like a merry-go-round, with no concrete results. Although there are many opportunities around us but we can't see them. Therefore, it's very IMPORTANT that you have specific goals and objectives that you can measure.
If we don't have a goal, we might as well be like the caterpillars.
There was an experiment conducted on the Processionary Caterpillars. These caterpillars would blindly follow the one in front of them. The caterpillars were carefully arranged in a circle around the rim of a flowerpot, so that the lead caterpillar came into contact with the last one, making a complete circle.
Some pine needles, the food of the processionary caterpillars were placed in the middle of the flowerpot. The caterpillars went round and round
the circular flowerpot. They continued to go round and round for seven days and seven nights, and finally dropped dead of starvation and exhaustion, ironically, with abundance of food within reach.
Moral of the story: Don't wander around without specific goals in life. Set goals and keep moving ahead.

Focus Your Energy On Positive Solutions

Conflicts and disagreements are part of our lives. We all will experience it at one time or another. When we have conflicts, the important thing to remember is NOT to cling onto the problem and get stuck.
We need to be able to find ways to resolve our problems effectively and move forward.That’s why it’s important we always focus our energy on positive solutions.
Here are some tips to help you focus your energy on positive things:
1.) Relax and be positive. Let go of the need to list all that had gone wrong in the past or it might go wrong.
2.) Plan ahead, lay out your action plan and focus on the steps that will move you closer to your goals. Focus your time and energy on things that will move you closer to your goals and stay away from those things that move you farther from your goals. Having a concrete plan will make you better prepared to anticipate the unexpected.
3.) Give proper weight to the ideas and advice of others. Recognize that others may see things differently than you do. Know your own capability well and respect other people’s opinions.
4.) When you meet successful people, don’t just hear what they say, watch what they DO! Use their experience as stepping-stones to your own success, but let go of the idea that you need to have what they have in order to move forward.
5.) Give a careful thought to your plan and goals in life. Believe in yourself, put time and energy on your plan and continue to forge on. Other people may not agree with you and some may even try to steal your dreams but you’re always well prepared and have positive energy to break through the challenges that crop up. Because you’re confident that you’re making wise choices.
Follow the power tips above and you’ll always be able to eliminate the effects of negativity and reach for the empowerment of positive focus instead.

Monday, June 27, 2011


When people talk about the qualities of an entrepreneur, they often mention about leadership, visionary, self-confidence, organization and coordination. But in this article, I would like to mention 5 more important qualities that shape a successful entrepreneur.
Just ask yourself the following 5 questions...
1. What is your personal mission statement in life? As Stephen Covey wrote in his popular book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", the second habit he talks about is "Begin with the End In Mind". He recommends formulating a "personal vision statement" to document one's perception of one's own vision in life.
What do you want to accomplish in your life? One effective way to write your personal mission statement is to visualize the day when you die. What do you want your loved ones and friends to say and remember about you? Another approach is to write your own obituary. Without a clear personal mission statement, you will quickly lose focus and direction in your business.
Without a personal mission statement, you won't be able to find a passion or desire for success.

2. Are you self-motivated? Perhaps one of the most crucial qualities for people who are self-employed to succeed. Without self motivation, you will always find yourself putting things off. You won't be able to accomplish anything as there is no one there to motivate you or watch over your shoulder when you're your own boss. So if you are not a self-motivated kind of person, working for yourself or being an entrepreneur is definitely a NO-NO for you.

3. Are you persistent? Understand that there is no "instant gratification" when you're doing your own business. You won't get a paycheck every month like you do in a 9 to 5 job. Initially, you may need to work very hard for little rewards.
If you're not persistent or don't believe in yourself and the business, you will have find yourself given up very quickly. Of course, it is possible to earn good money by running your own business, but you need to remember that it will take hard work, time and persistence to achieve success.

4. Are you financially responsible? A very important quality for all business owners. When you're your own boss, you're a CEO, accountant and finance manager. You're responsible in managing and controlling your business budget. When you start making profits, you need to know how to manage it wisely. Often times, you will want to put a portion of your profit back into your business to help it grow and expand further.

5. Are you hungry for success? If you want to be an entrepreneur, you have to think and behave like one. Understand that business is not the same as hobby where you can take it lightly. If you treat your business like a hobby, you will never be able to achieve true success. A business needs to be worked at seriously and professionally, you can't allow personal things to get into your business. Remember what the headline in Donald Trump's Apprentice show say? "It's Not Personal - It's Just Business".


"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure." ~ Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Ten Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur
By David L Allred
Free Enterprise: Either you are into it yourself or you are working for someone who is.Running a successful business can be very difficult without the right tools. I have made a list of the ten most important steps that have helped me along the way.
1. Your Why is the fuel behind your drive. This is what will drive you to success and must be strong. This is the Reason you want success. Why do you want to be rich? Why do you want success? Get clear on that and visualize the outcome every day.
2. Your Belief system is vital to achieving any level of success. Do you believe in yourself and your abilities? Do you believe in the products that you offer and also your own business? Your beliefs must be tied directly to your "Why" to the point that you have the Will-power to do whatever it takes to obtain your goals.
3. Having a Solid Business Model or a good business plan as the vehicle as well as short term, mid term and long term Goals that are obtainable but that will also stretch you.
4. You must create a Board of Directors for yourself. It refers to this in Napoleon Hills "Think and Grow Rich." Your board of directors can be people in your immediate circle of friends or individuals that don't even exist. These are people who know more than you do in different areas of business or personal success. People who you can confide in and ask advice from. This is called Masterminding. Henry Ford, the founder of the great Ford Automobile Company, didn't know everything there is to know about the industry. But you see, he didn't have to. He surrounded himself with those who did.
If you want to become successful then you must surround yourself with successful people. Avoid negative people and focus on those who are positive in thinking.
5. Be in the Service of others. You must also realize, when you help others to get what they will get what you want. This doesn't mean that you will have to bow down and give your entire life away to serving others at no charge. Most businesses are based on a service.
6. Personal Development. Always be learning and improving. Always be a student in the school of life and business. Self improvement and knowledge are what creates energy in your countenance. Have you ever been into the home of someone you considered as very successful? Did they have a library or large collection of books or information? Most likely they did.
7. Persistence is the key to getting the results you are looking for. Have you ever heard of the term, "Burn your boats," or "Don't leave yourself a back door?" Basically, don't have the option of failure in your mind. If you give yourself a way out, then you are sure to take it. If your "Why" is strong then you will persist until you succeed.
8. Do the thing. Set aside a specified amount of time for Money Making Activities every day. This is how the money is made. Establish a DMO, daily method of operation, that includes income producing activities that will not be interrupted.
9. In every business you must have a strong Marketing/advertising campaign. Get your name out there.
10. If you plan to win big and be a successful entrepreneur, you must also Play Big. If you play small, you will win small. I see so many small businesses who try to rent an older building, start out small and then go out of business. If you are looking for all out massive results, play big and play to win.

Friday, June 24, 2011


We often hear people say that... "Failure is an opportunity to begin again in a more intelligent way". This is very true! And in fact, failure is part of life. No one can avoid failure, those who try will end up losing more instead. Learn to accept failure and turn it into a golden opportunity is a much better option!

Here are some reasons why we should learn to accept failures:
1. Accepting failure will give us an awareness or realization that we have made a mistake and we should learn from it. If we learn from our mistakes, we will gain emotional experience and knowledge that can empower us to make a revolutionary breakthrough. When we start to accept our failure and learn from mistakes, new opportunities appear.

2. Failure makes us stronger. Yes, we may feel devastated and hurt at the beginning but if we learn to separate ourselves from the situation, we are going to grow stronger. Failure can strengthen a person's character.

3. Failure can inspire our spirits. If you accept failure as part of your life, you can use failure as a reminder to work smarter or more intelligently next time. It's ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from them so that you will never make the same mistakes again.

4. Failure will build your courage. If you are able to accept failure as an integral part of life, then you will the courage to face life challenges and accept all possibilities. You will learn not only the courage to take risks but also how to manage them.

5. Accepting failure may create a path that can take you to an opportunity or a better opportunity.

6. Failure makes success sweeter. We tend to be more appreciative of a victory after we experienced a defeat.

You see, when we accept failures as part of our life, we are telling ourselves mentally to refuse to surrender. This will empower us to analyze our mistakes and seek for new opportunities. If you have identified the cause of your mistakes/failures, you must take steps to correct the problems immediately. If necessary, develop a new method or system to prevent the same mistakes to happen again.
Remember that the KEY to turn failures into opportunities is... NOT to repeat the same mistakes again!
Once you have identified and corrected your mistakes, do not dwell on them again... focus your energy on the new method that you have just developed and move forward. That's the attitude we must adopt in life so that we can always rise from failures or mistakes. With this attitude, you will go very far and enjoy success and happiness in life.


Follow the beautiful trail wherever He leads You.Be open to what each day ask of You and welcome what it may hold, knowing the desire of Your Heart are in God's hands.

No matter where life leads, He Goes with You step by step with open arms and heart; trust Him on Your journey.

He is the Maker of every dreams and the Keeper of all His promises; share in the joy of celebrating what of he's given to You.

Find Joy in every opportunity to live out His purpose for You and, know Your efforts have meaning. Accept any detours as part of His plan, keep Your eyes on God and You'll never lose Way.