Monday, April 11, 2011

SOARING WITH WING LIKE AN EAGLE - A Lesson on Life Success and Goal Setting

1. Eagles see the Big Picture: In life we also need to see the big picture and detach ourselves from the daily hassles of life. Unless we can see the Big Picture from a vantage point it will be difficult for us to identify our Core Values and Life Purpose.
2. They have a stable base. Likewise it is important that we too have a solid base of Core Values and a clear Life Purpose that keeps us grounded to what is important in life.
3. They move with Power. Being aware of the presence we project around us and the way that we move can help us to use our movements and gestures to generate self-confidence and positive feelings.
4. They are clear and focused. This is a lesson we need to learn because unless we are clearly focused on what we want to achieve and move single mindedly towards our goal we can hardly achieve our Dream. On the other hand it is important to adapt to what life presents us with.
5. They are courageous and not afraid to take risks. Like eagles we have to take risks in life and go for HUGE Goals that may seem daunting and beyond our ability to achieve.
6. They are Energy efficient. In the same way we have to use our resources effectively and simplify the way we do things. By focusing on the important rocks of life and the activities that give us more results we will be soaring efficiently through life’s challenges. By biding the time and pouncing on opportunities as they arise we will be utilizing what life provides us with.
7. They are quick to see opportunities and swift to take action. Likewise it is important that we are quick to grasp opportunities and once we have taken a decision we should act immediately on it and follow through on our decisions swiftly.
8. They gain Success through failure and practice. Life may give us a lot of bumps and tumbles. We may experience a lot of failure in the process but failure can be Providence's way of teaching us how to fly.
9. They seek Freedom and manifest their glory. We must learn to fly above our self-limiting actions and thoughts and live according to our own high standards unhampered by negative thoughts or expectations of others. By being free to manifest our true essence and celebrate our successes in life we will be living in freedom and joy.
10. They learn from Role models. We can likewise look for role models and learn from them the laws of success.
11. Actions not words. In life we have to focus more on our actions than our words. Unless we walk our talk we are bound to lose credibility and respect.
Learn the lessons from the eagle and spread your wings to fly high.

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