Thursday, April 14, 2011


A Leader is Not Born. A Leader is Established.
How can you become a strong leader? One who uplifts and motivates others? Pushes individuals in the direction of excellence, holds individuals responsible, all while instilling a sense of trust? Truly understanding exactly what constitutes a excellent leader is the initial step.
Here are a few steps you can take to become the leader you want to be:
1. Restrain Yourself.
Each and every good leader has had to become an expert regarding self-discipline as well as willpower to be able to keep a clear head on the main issue. Without having an objective or even the push to attain it, you cannot lead other people to achieve theirs.
• Follow through regarding all you do. As difficult as it might be, you have to be disciplined enough to be where you have to be, when you really need to be there, regardless of whether you would like to. When you are powerful inside your resolve as well as fighting off enticement to stop, you're setting a good example for other people to live up to.
• Select your psychological response to a scenario very carefully. Occasionally you will need to exercise the skill of silencing your own inner feelings if they are not really suitable to be able to set an optimistic example.
2. Project Your Own Objectives.
In case the individuals you are leading do not totally realize the much deeper meaning within their job, they won't share your own perspective or work ethic. Each and every step of the way, talk with your group to ensure they are on exactly the same wavelength as well as understand what you expect of them.
• Get your group active in the preparing procedure and also the execution of your strategies. This provides everybody a better feeling of ownership towards the outcome.
3. Compliment Remarkably As Well As Criticize Constructively.
How you compliment as well as criticize other people will make a big difference in being in a position to lead successfully.
• Be sure you openly compliment individuals who do superb work for you. You will give the individual a sense of achievement and also the desire to do better still.
• Whenever somebody does anything completely wrong, provide helpful criticism and also get it done privately. Recommend options on what they are able to improve and also take time to respond to any questions. They will acknowledge your own feedback much more willingly when they understand it is implemented to assist and never to damage.
4. Understand Your Men And Women.
You cannot genuinely lead any crowd if you don't genuinely comprehend their own expectations, goals, challenges, discomfort, and aspirations. All of the great intentions on the planet really mean absolutely nothing if you don't possess a genuine feeling of the people you are dealing with.
• Speak to your group and get to know them. Understanding one another on a individual level will certainly reinforce the actual relationship in between you. They will want to do better for you simply because you are not only a "boss."?
• Always be their leader, first, as well as their good friend second. You are their leader which of course means you need to make challenging choices every once in awhile. These types of choices can't be impacted by individual associations.
5. Make The Difficult Call.
Occasionally you need to bite the bullet and make a few distressing choices. Sacking, demoting, as well as holding individuals responsible for their particular activities can be quite difficult sometimes. Being a leader, it is your obligation to take care of these matters.
No matter where your own leadership role takes you, recognize you'll be able to a solid leader. Keep in mind that to be able to lead other people, you have to be disciplined yourself. In the end, your actions will certainly communicate louder compared to whatever you can say.
To be able to acquire the respect of other people, make an effort to lead by example in each and every part of your daily life.
If you adhere to these basic recommendations, you will be well on your way to becoming a genuine leader.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Take Control of Your Thoughts - They Control Your Destiny

"Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny." Chinese Proverb, Author unknown
Wonderful words from the past that are relevant to today's time and they deserve to be repeated. If we slow down and examine what was shared so many years ago, we'll discover that we were told how we can change or direct our destiny.
What we think often comes out of our mouth and into someone else's ears. Our words impact how we feel about ourselves and they can impact how others think and feel. Words are symbols that communicate what's going on inside our heads to ourselves and others. We share our fears, our sorrow, our joy, our love and our dreams with our words.
Our words create action. Our words can create intimacy or separation. With our words we can motivate ourselves to do things we never thought we could do, and our words can also move others to step forward into their own personal power so they can be of service to their community. Words can calm us or excite us. Words can actually change the direction of a nation. So watch what you think and be aware of the words that come from your thoughts, and the actions that follow your words.
A habit is an action we do regularly, often without thinking. It's just what we do. If we do an action and it feels good or we get the results we want, then we often repeat it over and over. Some habits are beneficial and some can be detrimental. If it's detrimental, it's usually called an addiction. If it's beneficial, it's called a good discipline. Our day is full of small little "habits" that we do unconsciously. Some of us are habitually tidy, or messy, or early, or late, or rude, or courteous, or happy, or angry. These are all habitual ways of being. So, our habits become who we are, or they become our character.
Others know us by our character. It's our stamp of individuality. It's all of our distinctive qualities. When we describe someone, we are describing the person's character. "He's a great guy!" "When I want something to be done right, I give it to her!" "When I'm around him, I watch my pockets, because he's always trying to get me to buy into a scheme" "When I think of her, a smile comes on my face and I just feel at peace." Our character comes from the thoughts and actions we do habitually through time.
The thoughts and actions we do habitually through time determines our destiny. If I think negative thoughts and if I am filled with judgments towards myself and others, my actions will follow my thoughts and I will get what I focus on. Most people will not want to be around me, because they don't like being judged and they don't like hearing me judge others. I will feel lonely and victimized, which will cycle around and around and in time my destiny will appear bleak. However, if I think positive thoughts and take positive actions toward my goals, my destiny can be one of joy and upliftment, with moments of gleefulness. I might fall and get a few bruises along the way, but if my habit is to get up one more time than I fall, my destiny will be one of success. People will want to be around me because of my positive thinking. They will want to know how I create so many wonderful things in my life. Because of my abundance and my generous character, I'll freely give the joy and love that percolates in my heart. Thus, by holding positive thoughts, habitually taking positive action, I create a character destined for upliftment.

Monday, April 11, 2011

SOARING WITH WING LIKE AN EAGLE - A Lesson on Life Success and Goal Setting

1. Eagles see the Big Picture: In life we also need to see the big picture and detach ourselves from the daily hassles of life. Unless we can see the Big Picture from a vantage point it will be difficult for us to identify our Core Values and Life Purpose.
2. They have a stable base. Likewise it is important that we too have a solid base of Core Values and a clear Life Purpose that keeps us grounded to what is important in life.
3. They move with Power. Being aware of the presence we project around us and the way that we move can help us to use our movements and gestures to generate self-confidence and positive feelings.
4. They are clear and focused. This is a lesson we need to learn because unless we are clearly focused on what we want to achieve and move single mindedly towards our goal we can hardly achieve our Dream. On the other hand it is important to adapt to what life presents us with.
5. They are courageous and not afraid to take risks. Like eagles we have to take risks in life and go for HUGE Goals that may seem daunting and beyond our ability to achieve.
6. They are Energy efficient. In the same way we have to use our resources effectively and simplify the way we do things. By focusing on the important rocks of life and the activities that give us more results we will be soaring efficiently through life’s challenges. By biding the time and pouncing on opportunities as they arise we will be utilizing what life provides us with.
7. They are quick to see opportunities and swift to take action. Likewise it is important that we are quick to grasp opportunities and once we have taken a decision we should act immediately on it and follow through on our decisions swiftly.
8. They gain Success through failure and practice. Life may give us a lot of bumps and tumbles. We may experience a lot of failure in the process but failure can be Providence's way of teaching us how to fly.
9. They seek Freedom and manifest their glory. We must learn to fly above our self-limiting actions and thoughts and live according to our own high standards unhampered by negative thoughts or expectations of others. By being free to manifest our true essence and celebrate our successes in life we will be living in freedom and joy.
10. They learn from Role models. We can likewise look for role models and learn from them the laws of success.
11. Actions not words. In life we have to focus more on our actions than our words. Unless we walk our talk we are bound to lose credibility and respect.
Learn the lessons from the eagle and spread your wings to fly high.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve. Dream great dreams and make them come true. Do it now!

You are unique. In all the history of the world there was never anyone else exactly like you, and in all the infinity to come there will never be another you. Never affirm self-limitations. What you believe yourself to be, you are.

To accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost - put foundations under them. Yes you can. Believing is magic, you can always better your best. You don’t know what you can do until you try.

Nothing will come of nothing. If you don’t go out on a limb, you're never going to get the fruit. There is no failure except in no longer trying. Hazy goals produce hazy results. Clearly define your goals. Write them down, make a plan for achieving them, set a deadline, visualize the results and go after them. Just don’t look back unless you want to go that way.

Defeat may test you; it need not stop you. If at first you don’t succeed, try another way. For every obstacle there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. The greatest mistake is giving up. Wishing will not bring success, but planning, persistence and burning desire will.

There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract all the necessary ingredients. Success is an attitude. Get yours right. It is astonishing how short a time it takes for very wonderful things to happen.