Monday, January 10, 2011


James Allen describes one of the best analogies on the power of positive thinking that I have ever read in his timeless classic “As a Man Thinketh.” He likens the mind to a garden. If planted with beautiful plants and carefully nurtured and tended to, the garden will yield beautiful flowers and be a place of comfort, beauty and peace. If neglected, weeds will creep in and destroy the beauty and yield thorns, destruction and harshness. Of-course, some twisted or strange gardener may actually deliberately plant weeds and unpleasant plants.
It is the same with the mind. If you plant beautiful, healthy thoughts into your mind you will reap a beautiful, healthy life. If you plant negative thoughts you will reap destruction and despair in your life. If you neglect to feed your mind healthy thoughts and to protect it from negative thoughts, the weeds of destruction will creep in and choke your mind. Another way thoughts can be planted in your mind is through Subliminal messages.
The power of positive thinking will yield good results in the same way that negative thinking will yield bad results.
You cannot sow poison ivy and hope to reap apples. You cannot think negative thoughts and hope to live a positive life. Seedtime and harvest are the laws we live by. You reap what you sow. You live what you think. You live what you say. That is why it is important to say the right things and sometimes we have to make a deliberate effort to do so through positive affirmations
Here is a quote that can be related to the power of positive thinking:
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
KJV Bible - Galatians 6:7
Here’s another quote illustrating the power of positive thinking:
Finally, brethren,
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things.
KJV Bible Philipians 4:8
Any self-improvement program or journey of personal development starts with your thoughts. Master your thoughts first. Then you can master your environment and circumstances. Self motivation is easy if you have this step figured out.
Realize that your thoughts are under your control. If you don’t, you will be under the control of your thoughts! Realize what the power of positive thinking can do to change your life and give you a brighter future – the kind of future you want!

Isn’t that good news? That means YOU are in control. Not fate. Not lady luck. YOU. If you can think it, you can have it!
it can
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill.
That has got to be the best positive thinking quote ever. It’s short and to the point, yet so powerful and true. Absorb it. Memorize it. Live by it!
Negative thoughts as well as positive thoughts will bear fruit. Conceive negative – achieve negative. Conceive positive – achieve positive. Positive thinking is the key. Norman Vincent Peale knew this when he wrote his classic book - The power of Positive Thinking
Self motivation begins with believing in yourself.

There are many techniques that I have come across to do this. Some of the most practical are:
- Expose your mind to the right things.
- Watch the right movies.
- Listen to the right music.
- Read the right books.
- Associate with the right people.

Stay away from negative people – they will drain you of your energy and drag you down with them. Avoid them like the plague.
Thinking right is not a quick-fix process. You cannot change 20 year old habits in one week. You should not attempt to. It will frustrate you. Start slowly. Before long, it will become a habit to think right. Don’t get discouraged if you struggle a little with it. It takes time. It is a lifelong process. It is a way of life. It only ends when you die. Persevere.

Anything that is not in harmony with your dreams and desires – throw it out. Weed it out of your mind. Continually work at it and you will develop a beautiful mind. You will develop a mind that will deliver to you the power of positive thinking and all the lovely things that go with it.

"Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny".
David O. McKay
Ready to take the next step? The Power of positive thinking - Believe in Yourself and in your abilities. If you truly desire to live your dreams you need to take stock of your worth. Maybe you will realise your dreams are not as big as they should be!
Once you are sure that your dreams are in harmony with your worth and your deepest convictions, you need to talk your dreams into reality. It's all up to YOU. YOU are in charge of your destiny. YOU CAN do it.

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