Laws are powerful. Probably man’s greatest discovery is to know that there is tremendous power in the universe and that these powers are controlled by certain laws. For example there is power in the wind and there are laws that control movement in the wind. The eagle uses this power to fly over mountains. Aircrafts use this power to fly thousands of kilometers over oceans and across continents. There is tremendous power in water. There is so much power in the river it can turn a turbine and generate electricity. There is tremendous power in the soil. There is tremendous power all around us.
For example, there is the law of gravity - anything that has mass, occupies space and that is within the earth vicinity would be attracted to the center of the earth. That translates to things falling to the ground. If you throw an apple up it will not continue to go up it will come back down. That is a law.
Every law has a condition. When we satisfy the conditions of these laws the power in these laws are released to aid us achieve our goals and our aims. A law therefore is a fact, a universal fact that holds true everywhere on planet earth. These laws make success predictable for us. Just like you don’t need a prophet to know that if you throw an apple up it would come down, the same way you can predict success for your life when you satisfy the laws of success.
There are certain things we must know about laws. Laws make life predictable and they make success possible. Our world is a highly organized place. It is not a confused place. Laws take our lives out of the realm of chance and put them in the realm of choices. For example, if you choose to jump from a ten storey building you know that you are coming down. Your success becomes predictable and becomes a matter of choices not chance.
Secondly, laws provide a fair play ground for all. Laws have no respect for age, for sex, for social status. If a poor man jumps from a ten storey building he is coming down. If a rich man jumps from a ten storey building he is coming down. The implication of that – you have equal chances of succeeding on planet earth as anybody else who may have succeeded.
If a poor man plants maize at the right season it will grow. If a rich man plants maize at the right season it will grow. So dear reader, you must understand that when you begin to obey the laws of success you step out of the realm of mediocrity into the realm of power, and the laws result in miracles when we obey them. For example, if I jump from a ten storey building, from the moment I jump unseen forces take control of my body and bring me down towards the earth.
You put a seed in the soil. Unseen forces enter that seed and then grow a miracle literally out of that seed. When you obey the laws of success you experience miracles. I should also add , that there are different laws that govern different areas of life. All you have to do is to make a commitment to obey the laws of success.
Now, the first law, the law of vision:. This law says that what you see inside today is what you will see on the out side tomorrow. To operate this law you must dream, you must visualize, you must engage your imagination. You see it’s a law – as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Your mind is the film in the camera. Whatever images are printed on that film will be printed out for you on the photograph. Same thing for your mind. Same thing for that picture inside you. Life will take the picture inside you. There is an invisible power that prints out the picture that is in your heart. So to change your life, you must change your thoughts, change your vision. That is the law of vision.
Secondly, there is the law of confession: it says what you say is what you see. This world was framed by words. Your own world is also framed by your own words. To change your life you must change your words. You must always remember that words are seeds. The realities of your life today is the harvest of the seeds you sow with your mouth yesterday and the realities of your life tomorrow will be the harvest of the seeds you are sowing with your mouth today. To change the direction of your life, you will have to change your words.
When I began to tell people that I am successful, I am not a failure, I am prosperous even when those things are not yet real in the physical, I got to realize that you are not suppose to say what you see, you are suppose to say what you want to see. This is because what you say is what you will eventually see. When I change my language everything else changed around my life - that is the law of confession.
And then there is a law of desire – this law says success is for the hungry, you must be hungry, you must be thirsty. Success does not come to those who wish, success comes to those who want it so bad they can’t stand it. That is how El Williams an insurance magnate in the United States puts it. He says I want it so bad I can’t stand it. You must really, really want it and proof of desire is pursuit. If you really want it go after it.
Steven R. Covey said in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People that the more society align themselves with these laws the more successful they become. Societies fail when they do not align themselves to the laws of success. Therefore, aligning with the laws of success makes success a possibility in your life not aligning with them is a guarantee for failure.
Our next law of success is the law of preparation: this law says that success happens when opportunity meets preparation. If you are asking for one million naira, the big question is what will you do with it? if you have to think for more than one minute to know what to do with it you are not yet ready for it.
The principal word for preparation is planning. There are no people without opportunities in this world. We only have people who are not prepared for their opportunities. Studying is also essential to preparation it helps us to acquire knowledge and to develop skills and specialization in preparation for our opportunities.
Another law – the law of attraction: this law says that all human beings are living magnets. We have the power to attract and we have the power to repel. We can attract people, opportunities, favour, wealth and so on. Every magnet has a magnetic field created around it and the magnet gives out radiation. What we radiate determines what we attract. So, dear reader, your radiation is determined by your attitudes, by your thoughts and by your emotions.
When your thoughts are positive, filled with joy, peace, abundance you attract opportunities for abundance into your life but when your thoughts are filled with sorrow and pain, difficulty and impossibility you repel miracles and attract unfortunate circumstances. So dear reader, change your thoughts, change your emotions, get excited, expect the best, expect miracles. You will begin to attract favour and riches into your life.
One very important law of success is the law of action. This law says that nothing moves until you move it. In our world nothing moves of itself, things don’t happen by themselves we must make them happen. If you see anything that is moving, there is a force that is moving it. Therefore, don’t wait for success to come to you - you have to go to meet it. Don’t wait for things to happen to you, you have to make things happen. In fact you have to happen to things.
There are very important things to note, to take action; you must overcome fear, you must develop courage, you must conquer the fear of criticism - ‘what will people say?’. Dear reader, they will talk anyhow. If you succeed they will talk. If you fail they will talk. Since they are going to talk anyway why don’t you give them something good to talk about? Succeed. Take a bold move and let God help you to succeed.
You must also deal with procrastination; you will never do anything if you do not make up you mind to do it. Don’t push till tomorrow what you can do today. Action delayed is destiny delayed and destiny delayed is the devils delight. Make a move today.
One other very important law is the law of persistence. You must continue to try. Things don’t always work out first time, you must understand that. Accept it as a reality of life and the way to overcome that barrier is for you to do it again and again and again and again, changing your approach each time until finally you succeed.
Finally the law of harvest. This law says that whatever we sow is what we’ll reap. You sow corn you reap corn, you sow guinea corn you reap guinea corn, you sow guava you reap guava, you sow mango you reap mango. That also dear reader, affects every other area of our lives. It affects our relationships. You sow love you reap love. You sow hatred you reap hatred. You sow money you reap money. You sow favour you reap favour.
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